Zorro #9 - Alex Toth art

Zorro #9
Walt Disney's Zorro v1 #9, 1960 - Rather than the two main Zorro features, Alex Toth is instead tasked with drawing a much shorter tale. Bandits take over a small village in old California, terrorizing its passive residents. The artwork is disappointingly minimal with roughly applied lines, especially on the last page. The result is a work that seemingly displays a lack of effort on Toth's part. Other artists in this issue include Warren Tufts. Photo cover. This story was later reprinted in Zorro v2 #4. This is 7 of 8 Zorro issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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"The Banditos" Toth story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

Zorro #9 1960s dell comic book page art by Alex Toth
Alex Toth
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Zorro #9 - Alex Toth art Zorro #9 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:46 AM Rating: 5

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