Marvel Spotlight #9 - Mike Ploog cover

Marvel Spotlight #9 Ghost Rider / bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art by Mike Ploog
Mike Ploog
Marvel Spotlight v1 #9 on Ghost Rider, 1973 Mike Ploog illustrates his last cover on the series, ceding the story art to other artists. Somewhat crowded, the layout strains for more clarity. Still, the hero stands out among the many figures due to contrasting colors. This capably drawn effort would contribute to making the Ghost Rider one of Ploog's signature characters. Other artists in this bronze age issue include Tom Sutton and Chic Stone. This is 8 of 8 Marvel Spotlight issues by Ploog. /// Ploog gallery
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Ploog cover pencils and inks = ***

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Marvel Spotlight #9 - Mike Ploog cover Marvel Spotlight #9 - Mike Ploog cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:27 AM Rating: 5

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