Barry Windsor Smith |
Nick Fury, Agent of S.h.i.e.l.d. v1 #12, 1968 -
Barry Smith attempts a bold visual montage for his second Nick Fury cover. Crowded with too many visual elements, color helps separate the title character from rest. Even then, the layout lacks a clear hierarchy. Smith's interiors demonstrate his lack of experience, particularly the foreshortening of his figure drawings. His youthfulness, however, also results in some artistic risk-taking. The effects of a high-tech blast (see interior page shown below) and a view through the rotating blades of a helicopter (page 17) are refreshingly innovative for their time. This is 3 of 3
Nick Fury, Agent of Shield issues by
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Smith cover pencils and inks = **
"Hell Hath No Fury" Smith story pencils (Smith, Sid Greene inks) 20 pages = **
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Smith was still earning his craft, and though the cover is bery much derivative of Steranko, it almost works. It's biggest failure is the figure of Fury, looking away from the reasder and not effectively posed.
Nick Caputo
Gabe, the Contessa and Rickard all look as though they were drawn by Jack Kirby. Fury looks wan by comparison.
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