Alpha Flight #1 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Puck, Marinna

Alpha Flight v1 #1 marvel comic book cover art by John Byrne
John Byrne
Alpha Flight v1 #1, 1983 John Byrne begins writing and illustrating the adventures of Marvel's Canadian superhero team. First introduced in X-men #121, Guardian (James Hudson, formerly Weapon Alpha, Vindicator), Shaman, Sasquatch, Snowbird, Aurora and Northstar are joined by two new members, Puck and Marinna (both making their first appearances). Spider-man, the Fantastic Four and others appear solely on the cover to generate more interest. This double-sized issue is capably drawn, allowing space for the re-introduction of each character. The team confronts the gargantuan creature Tundra, whose mass and scale are smartly portrayed across navigable layouts. Byrne's pacing is also well managed, tempered by three full page splashes. This is 1 of 30 Alpha Flight issues by Byrne. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Eugene Judd as Puck, Marinna, 1st issue
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Byrne cover pencils (Terry Austin inks) = ***
"Tundra" Byrne story pencils and inks 34 pages = ****

Alpha Flight v1 #1 marvel comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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Alpha Flight #1 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Puck, Marinna Alpha Flight #1 - John Byrne art & cover + 1st Puck, Marinna Reviewed by Ted F on 2:49 PM Rating: 5

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