Vault of Evil #4 - Frank Brunner cover

Frank Brunner
Vault of Evil v1 #4, 1973 - This nightmarish cover by Frank Brunner features a large menacing face, brightly lit and white-hot in anger. Below, an old man writhes as his bedsheets swirl around him like water. The colors are loud and arresting but seem perfectly suited to the scene. Interestingly, certain details bear a strong resemblance to Bernie Wrightson's earliest works for DC. This is 2 of 2 Vault of Evil issues by Brunner. /// Brunner gallery
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ***

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Vault of Evil #4 - Frank Brunner cover Vault of Evil #4 - Frank Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:39 AM Rating: 5

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