Strange Tales #178 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Magus

Strange Tales v1 #178 marvel warlock comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin

1.  Strange Tales v1 #178 featuring Warlock, 1975 - After his own self-titled series ran for only eight issues, Adam Warlock returns as the main feature on this long running title. Jim Starlin recaps his history on four full pages, then embarks on a new storyline. Failing to save a young woman, Warlock discover her assassins hail from the Universal Church of Truth. Although Starlin's iconic cover is superb, his interiors are phenomenal. Three full splash pages dazzle the eye with their meticulous detail and textures. Every page is artfully rendered and painstakingly designed. His use of (nearly identical) repetition slows the story pacing at opportune moments. This masterpiece issue would firmly establish Warlock as one of Starlin's signature characters. The Magus also makes his first appearance on dramatic splash page. This story was later reprinted in Fantasy Masterpieces v2 #8 and Warlock v2 #1. This is 1 of 4 Strange Tales issues by Starlin. /// key 1st appearance Magus / Top 10 Starlin comics / Starlin gallery / original page
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ****
"Who Is Adam Warlock?" Starlin story pencils and inks 19 pages = *****

Strange Tales v1 #178 marvel warlock comic book page art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
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Strange Tales #178 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Magus Strange Tales #178 - Jim Starlin art & cover + 1st Magus Reviewed by Ted F on 12:13 AM Rating: 5

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