Kong the Untamed #1 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st appearance

Kong the Untamed v1 #1 - Bernie Wrightson dc bronze age comic book cover art
Bernie Wrightson
Kong the Untamed v1 #1, 1975 - One of several adventure titles DC launched in the mid 70s, this series about a prehistoric caveboy was short-lived. What makes his first appearance most noteworthy is Bernie Wrightson's compelling cover. Kong fends off a much larger foe, while sharply pointed sticks peer up toward the figures. The artist employs a worm's eye view and dagger-like shapes to give the scene a heightened tension. Wrightson's crisp, streamlined brushwork makes this comparable to some of his best horror genre comics. This Jack Oleck story was drawn by Alfredo Alcala. This is 1 of 2 Kong the Untamed issues by Wrightson. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Kong, 1st issue / Wrightson gallery.
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = ****
"Kong the Untamed" 18 pages

1st Kong appearance

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Kong the Untamed #1 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st appearance Kong the Untamed #1 - Bernie Wrightson cover + 1st appearance Reviewed by Ted F on 10:18 PM Rating: 5
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