Journey into Mystery v2 #3 - Jim Starlin art

Journey into Mystery v2 #3
Journey into Mystery v2 #3, 1973 - A Robert Bloch adaptation begins the issue, weakly rendered and composed by Jim Starlin. Far from his usual standards, the layouts are mediocre and the pacing monotonous. Three sequential pages adhere to a rigid twelve panel grid with too few variations in drawings. Even Tom Palmer, one of the finest inkers of the bronze age, could not salvage the pencils. This story was later reprinted in Masters of Terror #1. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Sam Kweskin, Ernie Chua and Joe Maneely. Cover by Gil Kane and Tom Palmer. This is 2 of 2 Journey Into Mystery v2 issues by Starlin.
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"Shambler from the Stars" Starlin story pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 7 pages = *

Jim Starlin
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Journey into Mystery v2 #3 - Jim Starlin art Journey into Mystery v2 #3 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted F on 2:19 PM Rating: 5

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