Donald Duck #60 - Carl Barks art, mis-attributed Barks cover

Donald Duck #60
Walt Disney's Donald Duck v1 #60, 1960 - Two terrific Carl Barks stories make this issue a special treat. In the first, Donald and Uncle Scrooge investigate the source of gigantic ants that terrorize a high society picnic. The second tells of Donald's determination (along with Daisy Duck's help) in winning a water ski contest. Though vastly different in length, Barks illustrates both tales with large, spacious panels. This works especially well in the longer story, where size matters thematically. "Donald Duck and the Titanic Ants" was later reprinted in Walt Disney Comics Digest #4 and Donald Duck #192. "Water Ski Race" appeared in Walt Disney Comics Digest #23. Other artists in this comic include Tony Strobl. This is 37 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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"Donald Duck and the Titanic Ants" Barks story pencils and inks 20 pages = ****
"Water Ski Race" Barks story pencils and inks 6 pages = ****

Carl Barks
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Donald Duck #60 - Carl Barks art, mis-attributed Barks cover Donald Duck #60 - Carl Barks art, mis-attributed Barks cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:55 PM Rating: 5

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