Beware the Creeper v1 #3, 1968 - A lost civilization on a remote island provides Steve Ditko with a fantasy setting and medieval-like characters. Elaborate costumes and weapons abound in this story, true to his eclectic style. Most scenes are underground, where the artist puts detail and texture into the cavernous surroundings. Most impressive is Ditko's breathtaking cover, a highly kinetic drawing within a precisely designed layout. Note how the reader's eye is lead from foreground to background and back again. This is 3 of 6 Beware the Creeper issues by Ditko. /// Ditko gallery
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = *****
Untitled Ditko story pencils and inks 23 pages = ****

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Beware the Creeper #3 - Steve Ditko art & cover
Reviewed by Ted F
4:01 PM

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