Captain Marvel v2 #43 - Bernie Wrightson cover

Captain Marvel v2 #43 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Bernie Wrightson
Bernie Wrightson
Captain Marvel v2 #43, 1976 - The hero's longtime ally the Destroyer returns, only to wreak unexpected havoc. Al Milgrom's well composed cover is further enhanced by Bernie Wrightson's exceptional inks. Highly refined, the added pen and brushwork bring clarity and sophistication. Note how the streamlined figures stand out against the more textural planetary backgrounds. This is 2 of 2 Captain Marvel v2 issues with Wrightson. /// Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson cover inks (Al Milgrom pencils) = ****

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Captain Marvel v2 #43 - Bernie Wrightson cover Captain Marvel v2 #43 - Bernie Wrightson cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:34 PM Rating: 5

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