True Crime Comics #3 (#2) - Jack Cole cover

Jack Cole
True Crime Comics v1 #3 (#2), 1948 - Having accomplished a masterpiece in the previous issue, Jack Cole continues his contributions to this pre-code crime series. His interior story only meets expectations, but it's his powerful cover that's noteworthy. A man machine-gunned from behind is jarring enough, but Cole conveys the "why" with some creative typography. Compositionally, I like how the smoke from the weapon drifts upward toward the masthead / trade dress. This issue also includes art by Dick Sprang. /// select Cole cover
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Cole cover pencils and inks

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True Crime Comics #3 (#2) - Jack Cole cover True Crime Comics #3 (#2) - Jack Cole cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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