Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22 - 1st Jack of Hearts

1st White Tiger cover
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu v1 #22, 1976 - With newfound publicity in the papers, Hector Ayala struggles with his new superhero identity. As he ponders his next move, the White Tiger is attacked by a new foe. Jack of Hearts uses powerful blasts emanating from his hands to throw the hero off balance. His first appearance begins with a hard-fought battle. This story was written by Bill Mantlo and drawn by Keith Giffen and Rico Rival. Cover by Bob Larkin. /// key 1st appearance Jack of Hearts, 1st cover White Tiger
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"Who Is the White Tiger?" 18 pages

1st Jack of Hearts
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Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22 - 1st Jack of Hearts Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #22 - 1st Jack of Hearts Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 PM Rating: 5

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