House of Secrets #131 - Alex Nino art

House of Secrets #131
House of Secrets v1 #131, 1975 - After being humiliated in public, the town bully purchases a voodoo doll from the local witch. Sharply pointed shadows and shapes fill this work by Alex Nino. Disturbing and often overwhelming, his style is nonetheless appropriate for this tale of revenge. On his opening splash, Nino hides the antagonist in a forest of high grass. The scene has a threatening tone, punctuated by sharp, angular shapes. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Luis Dominguez, Arthur Suydam and Gerry Talaoc. This is 9 of 11 House of Secrets issues by Nino. /// Nino gallery
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"Point of No Return" Nino pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Alex Nino dc bronze age horror 1970s comic book page art - House of Secrets #131
Alex Nino
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House of Secrets #131 - Alex Nino art House of Secrets #131 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:17 PM Rating: 5

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