True Bride-To-Be Romances #19 - Jack Kirby cover

Jack Kirby
True Bride-To-Be Romances v1 #19, 1956 - Young newlyweds sneak a kiss while camped at a trailer park. An older couple looks on, perhaps remembering their own courtship. Jack Kirby creates an idyllic spot outdoors, contrasting two couples at different points of their lives. The flowers on the lower right suggest a marriage in bloom. Other artists in this golden age comic include Bill Prentice, Warren Kremer and Mort Meskin. This is 2 of 3 True Bride-To-Be Romances issues by Kirby. /// Kirby gallery
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Kirby cover pencils and inks = ***

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True Bride-To-Be Romances #19 - Jack Kirby cover True Bride-To-Be Romances #19 - Jack Kirby cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 9:09 PM Rating: 5

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