Avengers #4 - Jack Kirby art & cover - 1st Captain America revival

Jack Kirby
Avengers v1 #4, 1964 - In this milestone issue, a newly revived Captain America joins the mighty Avengers after decades frozen in ice. The Sub-Mariner plays a part in the revival and enters the fray toward the end of the story. Jack Kirby's bold yet crowded cover is somewhat diminished by George Roussos' sloppy inking. Inside, the artwork is slightly more palatable, recalling the disastrous events leading to Cap's suspended animation and subsequent resurrection. Among Kirby's many capable drawings, perhaps most impressive is Cap's combat sequence on page 13. This is 4 of 38 Avengers issues by Kirby. /// key 1st revival Captain America
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Kirby cover pencils (George Roussos inks) = **
"Captain America Joins The Avengers" Kirby story pencils (George Roussos inks) 23 pages = **

Jack Kirby
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Avengers #4 - Jack Kirby art & cover - 1st Captain America revival Avengers #4 - Jack Kirby art & cover - 1st Captain America revival Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:21 AM Rating: 5

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