New Mutants #47 - Barry Windsor Smith cover

Barry Windsor Smith
New Mutants v1 #47, 1986 - Warlock's father Magus takes up the bulk of space on this convoluted cover design. Barry Smith tries to fit in most of the mutant characters against a backdrop of technology-inspired texture. Despite the confusion and lack of breathing room, the scene overall is capably drawn. Other artists in this issue include Jackson Guice and Kyle Baker. This is 9 of 10 New Mutants issues with Smith. /// Smith gallery
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***

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New Mutants #47 - Barry Windsor Smith cover New Mutants #47 - Barry Windsor Smith cover Reviewed by Ted F on 10:47 AM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to make a small correction on your descriptor for New Mutants #47's cover. The big techno-organic giant in the background is in fact not Warlock. It's Magus, his father who has been hunting for his son to engage him in a fight to the death.

Your actual observation of the cover's style and presentation are, however, dead on.

Ted F said...

Right you are. I made the correction accordingly. Thanks for keeping an eye out and for your supportive words. Just FYI, the Smith studio posted a comment on New Mutants #48.

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