Heroic Comics #71 - Frank Frazetta art

Heroic Comics #71 golden age 1950s war comic book cover
Heroic Comics #71
Heroic Comics v1 #71, 1952Frank Frazetta illustrates two Korean War tales, both excellent in their rendition. The first tells of Travis Watkins, a soldier that covered his buddies' escape from Communist Chinese. The artist opens the story by juxtaposing his fallen figure with a heroic portrait. Frazetta's second contribution is a one-pager with a similar scenario. His detailing is exquisite, but partially marred by the odd placement of the publisher's statement of ownership. This is 6 of 15 Heroic Comics issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery
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"Gave Life to Save Lives" Frazetta pencils and inks 2 pages = ****
"He Stayed Behind"
Frazetta pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Heroic Comics #71 golden age 1950s war comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Heroic Comics #71 - Frank Frazetta art Heroic Comics #71 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:57 PM Rating: 5

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