New Mutants #46 - Barry Windsor Smith cover

Barry Windsor Smith marvel 1980s magneto colossus comic book cover - New Mutants #46
Barry Windsor Smith
New Mutants v1 #46, 1986 - Bursting onto the scene, the X-men are featured on this Barry Smith cover. Storm, Nightcrawler and Colossus get lost within the busy layout, but the color palette brings them forward. This disorderly design is atypical of Smith, yet his draftsmanship remains intact and the final image is no less compelling. Other artists in this copper age comic include Jackson Guice and Kyle Baker. This is 8 of 10 New Mutants issues by SmithSmith gallery
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Smith cover pencils and inks = ***

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New Mutants #46 - Barry Windsor Smith cover New Mutants #46 - Barry Windsor Smith cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:24 PM Rating: 5

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