Vampirella #76 - Alex Nino art

Vampirella #76
Vampirella v1 #76, 1979Alex Nino continues his experimental layouts and pacing on "Time for a Change", a futuristic tale of alien infestation. The five pages are technically splash pages, each is rendered in exquisitely complex graphic textures.Each is completely devoid of any panel borders, allowing one scene to flow to the next in an innovative meandering pattern. The dialogue of the space travelers, in the form of word balloons, form paths for the reader to follow (though not without difficulty). Nino often pushed artistic boundaries within his magazine work, freed from the restrictions of his more well known horror comics for DC. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Jose Gonzalez. This is 4 of 5 Vampirella issues by Nino.
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"Time for a Change" Nino story pencils and inks 5 pages (black and white) = ****

Alex Nino
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Vampirella #76 - Alex Nino art Vampirella #76 - Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:57 AM Rating: 5

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