Vampirella #11 - Frank Frazetta cover

Vampirella v1 #11 warren magazine cover art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
Vampirella v1 #11, 1971 - A woman holds up her scythe in a triumphant gesture, her blade already bloodied from a recent victim. The metal ornamentation on her right arm is mirrored by the coiling snake on her left arm. Her tattered cloak wafts about in an unseen wind while an iguana-like creature remains mostly passive. Considered a classic by many horror enthusiasts, it's certainly one of Frank Frazetta's finest painted covers for this publisher. This was later reprinted in Creepy #91. This issue includes artwork by Tom Sutton. This is 4 of 5 Vampirella by Frazetta
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Frazetta cover painting = ****

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Vampirella #11 - Frank Frazetta cover Vampirella #11 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:19 PM Rating: 5
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