Durango Kid #9 - Frank Frazetta art

Durango Kid #9
Durango Kid v1 #9, 1951 - A British sympathizer tries to undermine Dan Brand's efforts to raise money for the Revolution. The artwork by Frank Frazetta is confident and meticulous. His scenes of the wild frontier and colonial life are equally superb. The story culminates in an especially violent duel between Brand and his Tory opponent. Disturbingly, the antagonist's blood spews from his mouth at the moment of his impalement This story was later reprinted in White Indian #12. Other artists in this issue include Joe Certa (Durango Kid stories) This is 9 of 16 Durango Kid issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery
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"Tory Treachery" Frazetta story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***

Frank Frazetta 1950s golden age western comic book page / Durango Kid #9
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Durango Kid #9 - Frank Frazetta art Durango Kid #9 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 6:47 PM Rating: 5

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