Frontline Combat #10 - Wally Wood art

Frontline Combat #10

Frontline Combat v1 #10, 1953 - The onset of war leaves a Korean child amidst the ruins of his own home. Judging by the architecture and decorative motifs, Wally Wood appears to have researched the culture and setting. A toddler is the main character, but his rendition seems too light-hearted given the circumstances. Most impressive are the scenes of the bombings' aftermath. Wood captures the devastation in excruciating detail. This story was later reprinted in >Frontline Combat v2 #10. Other artists in this issue include George Evans and Jack Davis. Cover by John Severin and Will Elder. This is 9 of 13 Frontline Combat issues by Wood. /// Wood gallery
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"A Baby" Wood story pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

Wally Wood

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Frontline Combat #10 - Wally Wood art Frontline Combat #10 - Wally Wood art Reviewed by Ted F on 4:10 PM Rating: 5


Unknown said...

actually-the art is by John Severin with Will Elder inks.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Cover by Severin/Elder, interior story by Wood.

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