Master of Kung Fu #54 - Jim Starlin cover

Master of Kung Fu v1 #54 marvel 1970s bronze age comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Jim Starlin
Master of Kung Fu v1 #54, 1977 - After introducing the title character five years before, Jim Starlin returns one final time to illustrate this terrific cover. Interestingly, he inks his own pencils, which occurred infrequently during the 1970s. The ancient warrior-like figures occupy most of the layout, sharing the spotlight with some finely silhouetted architecture in the distance. Starlin employs rough lines on the bottom of the cover to effectively suggest mist or fog. Other artists in this Marvel bronze age adventure comic include Jim Craig and John Tartag. This is number 3 of 3 Master of Kung Fu issues with Starlin art and/or covers. 
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***

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Master of Kung Fu #54 - Jim Starlin cover Master of Kung Fu #54 - Jim Starlin cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:44 PM Rating: 5

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