Spellbound v2 #1 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover + 1st issue

Marshall Rogers

Spellbound v2 #1, 1988 - This limited series introduces Erica Fortune, a young college professor who discovers newfound powers through inter-dimensional bracelets. The character skews toward a female audience, one of many that Marvel created during the 70s and 80s. Marshall Rogers is tasked with designing the covers, and does the job ably. The heroine is prominently featured while displaying the super-powered effects emanating from her hands. This issue also includes artwork by Terry Shoemaker and Carl Potts. This is 1 of 6 Spellbound v2 issues by Rogers. /// key 1st issue
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Rogers cover pencils and inks = ***

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Spellbound v2 #1 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover + 1st issue Spellbound v2 #1 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 3:03 PM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Reminds me of Walt Simonson's Thor work.

Ted F said...

Good point, although I wonder how many artists started emulating Simonson after the success of his phenomenal Thor run.

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