DC Comics Presents #37 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Jim Starlin
DC Comics Presents v1 #37, 1981 - Discovering an ancient Kryptonian chamber on Earth, Hawkgirl enlists Superman's aid in solving the mystery. Jim Starlin's last story on the series is very good, from the opening splash of Kypton's red sun to a perfectly sequenced history of Superman's ancestor (page 7). Starlin pencils and inks much of the tale, but there are plenty of panels that suggest inker Romeo Tanghal's hand. Rip Hunter, Time Master also appears in a new back-up feature. Other artists in this copper age comic include Alex Saviuk and Vince Colletta. This is number 6 of 7 DC Comics Presents issues by Starlin. /// Starlin gallery
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Stars, Like Moths..." Starlin story pencils, partial inks (Romeo Tanghal? partial inks) 18 pages = ***

Jim Starlin
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DC Comics Presents #37 - Jim Starlin art & cover DC Comics Presents #37 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 6:16 PM Rating: 5

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