Donald Duck #46 - Cark Barks art

Donald Duck #46
Donald Duck v1 #46, 1956 - Deep in a Central American jungle, Donald and the boys retrieve lost documents for Uncle Scrooge. Their reward is in jeopardy, however, when Gladstone Gander sticks his beak in. Carl Barks' last full length story has all the earmarks of his best efforts: well-researched exotic scenery, native ethnic characters and spacious panels. Among several memorable pages, my favorite is the precipitous crossing of a rickety bridge (see interior page below). This story was later reprinted in Donald Duck #98. This is 33 of 43 Donald Duck issues by Barks.
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"Secret of Hondorica" Barks story pencils and inks 23 pages = ****

Cark Barks golden age 1950s disney dell comic book page art - Donald Duck #46
Carl Barks
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Donald Duck #46 - Cark Barks art Donald Duck #46 - Cark Barks art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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