Blazing Combat #1 - Frank Frazetta cover, Alex Toth art + 1st issue

Frank Frazetta
Blazing Combat v1 #1, 1966 - Frank Frazetta's emotionally charged painting sets the tone for this war-themed magazine series. Warren Publishing, better known its horror titles Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella, makes it first and only foray into this genre. Although several fine artists contribute to this first issue, Angelo Torres stands out for his sobering depiction of the aftermath of the Civil War. His inks on character faces and figures is crisp and contemporary. Alex Toth's illustrations for the single page "Combat Quiz" generally meets expectations. This issue also includes artwork by George Evans, Reed Crandall, Gray Morrow, Joe Orlando and John Severin. This is 1 of 4 Blazing Combat issues by Frazetta and 1 of 4 Blazing Combat issues by Toth. /// key 1st issue
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Frazetta cover painting = ***
"Combat Quiz" Toth pencils and inks 1 page (black and white) = ***

Alex Toth

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Blazing Combat #1 - Frank Frazetta cover, Alex Toth art + 1st issue Blazing Combat #1 - Frank Frazetta cover, Alex Toth art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 4:29 PM Rating: 5


Colin Lorimer said...

Fantastic cover!

Ted F said...

If you like this cover, keep an eye out for my upcoming posts on Creepy and Eerie magazines. Frazetta did the covers to many of the early issues and includes art by Wood, Williamson, Torres, Toth, Adams, Wrightson and more.

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