Bizarre Adventures #25 - Marshall Rogers art

Bizarre Adventures #25
Bizarre Adventures v1 #25, 1981 - One of Marvel's black and white magazine series, each issue of Bizarre Adventures varies in content and theme. This edition showcases Marvel heroines and includes the popular and enduring Black Widow. Based on characters from Power Man, the lengthy Daughters of the Dragon tale is illustrated by Marshall Rogers. Despite plenty of kung fu action, the layouts are mediocre at best and Bob McCleod's smooth inks dampen most of the spontaneity. This story was later reprinted in Daughters of the Dragon Special #1. Other artists in this Marvel copper age superhero magazine include Michael Golden and Paul Gulacy. This is number 1 of 1 Bizarre Adventures issues with Rogers art and/or covers. 
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"Safe Streets" Rogers story pencils (Bob McCleod inks) 22 pages (black and white) = **

Marshall Rogers
Frank Miller
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Bizarre Adventures #25 - Marshall Rogers art Bizarre Adventures #25 - Marshall Rogers art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:21 AM Rating: 5

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