Amazing Spider-Man #187 - Jim Starlin art

Amazing Spider-Man #187

Amazing Spider-man v1 #187, 1979 - Making sure no one enters a quarantined town, Captain America uses any means necessary to stop an inquisitive Spider-Man. Jim Starlin is credited with layouts but his influence is much more strongly felt. Faces and figures bear his hallmark style, much of it due to Bob McCleod's finishes. Some pages are better than others, but overall Starlin does a decent job with his only pencilled art of the series. Other artists in this bronze age comic include cover illustrator Keith Pollard. This is 3 of 3 Amazing Spider-Man issues by Starlin.
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“The Power of Electro” Starlin story layouts/pencils (Bob McCleod inks) 17 pages = ***

Jim Starlin bronze age 1970s marvel page - Amazing Spider-Man #187- - - - - - - - - -
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Amazing Spider-Man #187 - Jim Starlin art Amazing Spider-Man #187 - Jim Starlin art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:31 PM Rating: 5

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