Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5 - Wally Wood art + 1st Lady Shiva

Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5
Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter v1 #5, 1976 - Seeking revenge for her sister's death, martial arts fighter Lady Shiva makes her first appearance. Ric Estrada does a decent job with the pencils and layouts, but it's Wally Wood's inking that raises the bar. There is considerably more depth and texture in the drawings. His rendering of female characters (see interior page below) is overtly sensual, bolstering his reputation as a "good girl" artist. This issue also includes cover artwork by Dick Giordano. This is 2 of 5 Richard Dragon issues by Wood. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Lady Shiva
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"The Arena of No Exit!" Wood story inks (Ric Estrada pencils) 18 pages = ***

Wally Wood
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Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5 - Wally Wood art + 1st Lady Shiva Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #5 - Wally Wood art + 1st Lady Shiva Reviewed by Ted F on 3:13 PM Rating: 5

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