Fantastic Four #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover

Fantastc Four v1 #84 marvel 1960s silver age comic book cover art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four v1 #84, 1969 - Per Nick Fury's request, the FF seek the source of a secret army within Europe. This requires entering the country of Latveria, better known as the dictatorship of Dr. Doom. Jack Kirby's cover and interiors are set in a European village, complete with traditionally-garbed residents and medieval architecture. These idyllic settings nicely contrast against advanced technologies behind the scenes. The most gripping moment is the splash on page 5, depicting Doom at his most threatening, flanked by his robotic guards. This is 84 of 116 Fantastic Four issues by Kirby.
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = ***
"The Name Is Doom" Kirby story pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) 20 pages = ****

Fantastc Four v1 #84 marvel 1960s silver age comic book page art by Jack Kirby
Jack Kirby
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Fantastic Four #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover Fantastic Four #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:36 AM Rating: 5

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