Marvel Two-In-One #6 - Jim Starlin cover

Jim Starlin
Marvel Two-In-One v1 #6, 1974 - A face emerges from the mystical cauldron below, resembling a stuffed animal more so than a ferocious beast. That aside, Jim Starlin's only cover for the series features a terrific rendition of Doctor Strange. Nicely detailed, the illustration stands out despite the large masthead. Other artists in this bronze age comic include George Tuska and Mike Esposito. This is 1 of 1 Marvel Two-In-One issues by Starlin
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***

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Marvel Two-In-One #6 - Jim Starlin cover Marvel Two-In-One #6 - Jim Starlin cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:50 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Romita did some alteration work on the Thing figure.

Nick Caputo

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