Famous Funnies #215 - Frank Frazetta cover

Frank Frazetta Buck Rogers 1950s golden age science fiction comic book cover / Famous Funnies #215
Frank Frazetta
Famous Funnies v1 #215, 1955 - A bare-backed Buck Rogers attempts to rescue his female compatriot from a monstrous octopus. Frank Frazetta's layout is busier than previous issues, but compensates with his superlative rendering skills. Every tentacle is fully detailed, along with a panoply of tropical fish, anemones and coral. A sea turtle glides amusingly and peacefully in the background. Frazetta nears the end of his run on this title with no loss of enthusiasm. This is 7 of 8 Famous Funnies issues by Frazetta. /// Frazetta gallery
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Frazetta cover pencils and inks = *****

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Famous Funnies #215 - Frank Frazetta cover Famous Funnies #215 - Frank Frazetta cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:42 PM Rating: 5
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