Conan the Barbarian #3 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover

Conan the Barbarian v1 #3 marvel comic book cover art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
Conan the Barbarian v1 #3, 1971 - An encounter with an ancient god leads Conan into the middle of a war between Hyperborea and Brythunia. Barry Smith's cover unfortunately shows more enthusiasm than skill. The ill-proportioned figures jostle for space in his tightly confined layout. Inside, the artist fares better with his distinct visual storytelling. Interestingly, the pages are comprised of mostly smaller panels with an emphasis on sequencing. Smith handles this artfully, from the onset of a battle on page 11 to its quiet aftermath on page 19 (see interior page below). This story was first reprinted in Giant-size Conan the Barbarian #1. This is 3 of 20 Conan the Barbarian issues by Smith. /// Smith gallery / original page
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Smith cover pencils and inks = **
"The Twilight of the Grim Grey God" Smith story pencils (Sal Buscema inks) 20 pages = ***

Conan the Barbarian v1 #3 marvel comic book page art by Barry Windsor Smith
Barry Windsor Smith
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Conan the Barbarian #3 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Conan the Barbarian #3 - Barry Windsor Smith art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:35 PM Rating: 5

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